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Have A Fairy Tale Wedding With Disney

It's no secret that we would all love a surprise proposal at the Magical Kingdom like jessiiieowl had above. To be honest, it would be spectacular to have a Disney's Fairy Tale Wedding as well. It really would be the best wedding story ever. "We got engaged at Disneyland and then had a magical fairy tale wedding there."
Who doesn't want to feel like a princess for a day, get picked up in a horse drawn carriage, and dance the night away with her prince charming? With Disney's Fairy Tale Weddings, all of this and much more can happen for you. Honestly there is so much Disney's Fairy Tale Weddings can create the possibilities are endless. Intrigued? Well ... then click here to discover how you can have a fairy tale wedding with Disney.

fairy tale wedding with Disney @weddingchicks

follow disney on instagram

Before you discover how you can have a fairy tale wedding with Disney, be sure to follow Disneyweddings on Instagram. It is full of magic.

A photo posted by @disneyweddings

Engagement Photo: Jessiiieowl Disney Instagram: Disneyweddings Disney Wedding: Photographed by Jaime Davis Photography