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8 Ways to Make Sure You Have Hot Married Sex

There hassss to be some sort of physical phenomenon that happens after a couple goes from freshly dating to blissfully engaged to happily married, wherein the sex just kind of changes. Goes a little limp, if you will. Now, that doesn’t happen to everyone - there are some married couples that still have crazyyyy good sex - 5, 10, 15, 20 years later (as I say this, I immediately think of Theresa and Joe from Housewives of NJ - they famously still have sex every day 👏👏👏, even after almost 20 years of marriage), but I’d venture to say that even the most passionate couples feel like after saying ‘I Do’ things change between the sheets. Not good, not bad, just a normal sex-pierience.

It doesn’t help that once the fairy dust starts to settle on your newly married life, you jump right back into everyday stress, or you decide to start your family (whether with human baby making or adopting an animal), you can find yourself in the midst of a dry spell. Literally and figuratively.

Anyway, we’re big believers in making sex the best it can be with bae, whether you’re a newly-minted couple, just married, or long-time lovers. So, we put together some tips to keep things steamy long after you’ve said your vows.

Read on for 8 Ways to Make Sure You Have Hot Married Sex and maybe even leave this open for your partner’s perusal. Biggest thing: just don’t put pressure on your private parts. Once you start putting demands on your dirty deeds, you can kiss your libido goodbye.

Front page image courtesy of Joe deSousa on Unsplash and above image courtesy of  Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash.