There hassss to be some sort of physical phenomenon that happens after a couple goes from freshly dating to blissfully engaged to happily married, wherein the sex just kind of changes. Goes a little limp, if you will. Now, that doesn’t happen to everyone - there are some married couples that still have crazyyyy good sex - 5, 10, 15, 20 years later (as I say this, I immediately think of Theresa and Joe from Housewives of NJ - they famously still have sex every day 👏👏👏, even after almost 20 years of marriage), but I’d venture to say that even the most passionate couples feel like after saying ‘I Do’ things change between the sheets. Not good, not bad, just a normal sex-pierience.
It doesn’t help that once the fairy dust starts to settle on your newly married life, you jump right back into everyday stress, or you decide to start your family (whether with human baby making or adopting an animal), you can find yourself in the midst of a dry spell. Literally and figuratively.
Anyway, we’re big believers in making sex the best it can be with bae, whether you’re a newly-minted couple, just married, or long-time lovers. So, we put together some tips to keep things steamy long after you’ve said your vows.
Read on for 8 Ways to Make Sure You Have Hot Married Sex and maybe even leave this open for your partner’s perusal. Biggest thing: just don’t put pressure on your private parts. Once you start putting demands on your dirty deeds, you can kiss your libido goodbye.
Whether you’ve been waking up next to the same wifey/hubby for what seems like forever, just became an official Mr. or Mrs., have a wedding in the works, or just decided to update your relationship status for the masses, the thought of your sex life changing just because you’re locked down for life (that’s the hope!) doesn’t have to scare the s*** out of you. Yes, your shift in status might bring some changes to the bedroom, but your level of intimacy can still be out of control. Don’t ever look at marriage as a challenge to your physical connection - if anything, it’s an opportunity to have mind-blowing sex with the person you love the most for the rest of your days. That’s right, mind. blowing. Swipe through for some tricks….
Hey, Amy Schumer did it! During her secret Malibu wedding, she made a promise to keep her hubby nice and satisfied for all the rest of her days. She said “I promise I’ll keep going down on you, even though everyone tells me I won’t.” How sweet. But for real, if you can be silly and serious at the same time, making vows to keep each other interested and wanting more, you might just be guaranteeing yourselves a future full of great sex and pleasure for as long as you both shall live. Oh, and if it’s awkward to share your p in the v pledge in front of your friends and fam, then just save those for your wedding night.
Once the wedding is over, it’s 1000000 percent normal to feel sad, depressed, anxious over so much more time back in your lives, but you shouldn’t let the fact that your wedding day is dunzo impact your sexual relationship. Actually, we might even advise you TO have lots and lots of sex in order to extinguish any of those melancholy moments and remember that yah, the wedding is over, but your life with him or her is just starting! And so is that just-married sex.
Okay, now that you’re married, you’re committed. You don’t have to fake things, or feel obligated to do x, y and z with your guy or girl if you don’t want to or don’t like it. Marriage gives you both the sounding board to say what you like, love or hateeeee about your lovemaking, so make it count! If you like certain positions more than others, let him know. If he wants to try something new, he should tell you, too! Think of marriage as an open forum to tweak your f***ing.
One of the best parts of being a married couple is the sleepovers you get to have with your other half from now till forever. I still love that about being married. And now that you probs have a joint bank account, you can feel justified in making an Amazon Prime account together too. First up on your wish list, some new toys, lubes, lingerie, handcuffs, anything on our 10 sex products you can’t resist list. And no one needs to know about it. So put some kink in your cart, and get your 2-day delivery on.
Turn your honey “DO” list into a honey “DO ME” list.
Like we said before, life can get monotonous, so one of the biggest ways to keep you both turned on, is to turn normal, commonplace things / chores, etc. into roleplay. Think about sending him out with a grocery list complete with eggs, milk, cereal, yogurt, whipped cream, condoms, and a note about what you’d like him to do to you later. He’ll make sure that list is handled ASAP and with a smile.
Make sure your honeymoon is the first of many sex-cations.
Remember how hot your honeymoon was? Well, your first vacay with your honey shouldn’t be the only time you jet set to get wet. We’re all about taking spontaneous or scheduled vacations with the sole objective to embrace your ‘O’ face for 24-48-72 hours, as long as you can last, really. Even if you need to call in reinforcements - i.e. a dogsitter or grandparent for your little one. These sexual sojourns are beyond necessary. And if a trip somewhere else isn’t in the budget, then by all means, stake out a stay-cation. Room service can be arranged with some takeout and a blender full of Mai-tais.
This one’s the BEST. You know how excited you used to get when you opened a piece of chocolate every day in December, before Santa came? Well, this is just like that… only, more adult. For your anniversary month, consider making a 30/31 day calendar or gift exchange full of sexual sweet treats. Whether it’s an explicit edible, a new position to try out, or a new place to do the damn thing, make sure it’s all wrapped up and charged with anticipation. And on your actual anniversary, fill your hole with something rated XXX.
We’re not saying you need to go full Red Room here, but since you’ll probably be doing some renovating on the rest of the house, why not make some upgrades to your boudoir? If you can retire to a space that isn’t strewn with clothes on the floor, bed sheets that are more fun than functional, and lit by candles that make you feel more horny than homy, than you’ll be much more likely to get it on. Treat your bedroom as your temple. Try not to let it get too basic.... That goes for your bathroom, too. Give the place you do #2 a foreplay-worthy facelift.