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18 Wedding Planners We’re So Obsessed With RN

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again, I wishhhhh I could have been a wedding planner. I definitely have taste and know weddings pretty well, but I’m more of a curator, conceptor and visionary, I have issues with the tangible, execution stuff. Like, really, I could pick out photos of the some of the most incredible weddings of 2017, but have absolutely NO idea how to put it all together. These planners, though, they’re magical. Whatever they touch turns to ‘to have and to hold’ gold and we cannot wait to see the weddings they work on in 2018. Come to think of it, I have my soon-to-be one-year-old son’s birthday coming up in less than two months, any of you busy on February 24th??!? I could use some of that unicorn pixie dust… just sayin’.

From stunning outdoor setups to some of the most uh-maze escort card and dessert tables, luxe lounges to fun entertainment and ice breakers for guests, the things we’ve been double tapping like crazy recently are evidence that these planners know everything there is to know about creating OOC celebrations. It’s almost like they can peer into our souls and find every heart string to pull - and their aesthetics are just so good. You can truly find a wedding architect (that’s what they are, really - they build your wedding dream) to match your couple-y vibe. And we have a few for you to peruse right here!

We caught up with one of favorite planners, Nicole Sheppard, Founder & Lead Designer at All Who Wander Event Design, to hear what she’s been lusting after lately and she filled us in on what will be haute AF this year. Couple words to commit to memory: jewel tones and warm, intimate environments.

“In 2018, so far I’m loving jewel tones, clear top tenting, and playing with lighting to create warm, intimate environments,” said Nicole. “We’ve also been having fun with cool tent entrances using branches, greenery and lots and lots of candles.”

We hear you Nicole, jewel tone weddings are 🙌 🙌 🙌 and pretty sure if I could redo my ‘I Dos’ I’d find a way to tent it. And enlist someone who can hang flower installations in their sleep…

Anyway, we’ve rounded up some of the most inspo-worthy planners to follow right now (and you can stalk some of our own planners and their latest work here). Even if you’re not planning a wedding, it can’t hurt to pick up some styling skills for the future. In case you have a birthday party to plan…

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