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14 Beautiful Bouquets That We Are Dying Over Right Now

Remember a few weeks ago, when I was talking about seeing something on social media that literally stopped my heart with it’s beauty? Well, it happened again, yesterday… I was scrolling through Instagram, when I landed on a photo that I lowkey had to look at for about 20 minutes. Totally mesmerizing, stunning, hypnotic. It was a post from @trillefloral, basically of the prettiest bouquet I might have ever seen. In life. Take a look, I know you’re dying to see. And make sure to add her to your list of Insta wedding accounts you need to follow right now.

Guys, I had to study this snap, because I couldn’t believe that what I was looking at were blown-out tulips, magic that unfolded after only a week, 😍 and chrysanthemums (among other things. Like dahlias #favorite). Yes, mums. The seasonal flowers you see in the fall, that you pick up at a farmer’s market for your grandma to put on her deck or front stoop. Can you tell I’m not the biggest fan? Well, this photo completely blows 🤯 my 🤯 mind. I’m a believer, Cara. Well done. 👏👏👏

These statement blooms are still dancing around in my head, and I can’t help but feel like florists are magicians. They have to be. Flowers have a way of dictating my day, and if I see something as stunning as this, well, I’ll probs be smiling for the rest of the afternoon.

Honestly, it has a lot to do with the types of flowers these unicorns work with. Sure, roses are always fine, but when a florist starts throwing out blown-out tulips (didn’t even think that that was a thing!), anemones, bearded iris, and poppies, things go from normal to next level. And comments start floooooding in from their fans - what are those beauties!? OMG, obsessed with this - you are so freaking talented! It’s all completely warranted. Because they deserve all the praise in the world. I can barely arrange carnations….

Anyways, there is never a shortage of good floral inspo out there - especially from our vendor experts and on our inspiration pages - so take a peek at some of the most drop dead gorg bouquets we’ve seen in a while. You’re going to forget peonies even existed after swiping through these! WE PROMISE!

Oh, and if you’re already crazy for florals, you’re going to need to check out our newest Romantic Botanical printable. Come to think of it, the blooms on this invitation suite look an awfulllll lot like the flowers in this slideshow.

instagram post