12 Super Polite Ways to Ask for Cash for Your Honeymoon
I’ve had this story on my docket for a few weeks now, and I finally got the perfect kick in the butt to start it this past weekend! You all know by now that my sister is getting married this fall. I’ve talked about her pre-I Do process, and all the fun-stressful-psychotic steps, like bachelorette planning for 15+ people, along the way. Well, like many couples nowadays, she and my future brother-in-law have decided to defer their honeymoon to next summer - so that they can save a little more 💸💸💸 and have something to look forward to. You know, when those post-wedding blues start to set in. No judgment, it’s so real.
They’re going to mini moon in Mexico for an extended weekend right after their wedding, and then go to Italy for their big trip. Just a few days ago, she ended up posting a picture of a gift that my mom had gotten her - with a cute caption that read “Thanks mom for our honeymoon piggy bank! We’re $2.57 closer to Italy 🤗” And just like that, it was out in the world (or at least in front of the people she cares about most) that she and bae would be Italy-bound next summer.
The honeymoon fund box is super cute, and so was her post - she cannot wait for the wedding and she has that bride-to-be pixie dust ALL over her - but it certainly did send subconscious vibes out to everyone who has already gotten a save the date for October. As in, we’ll be going to Europe soon, sooo how about helping an adorable soon-to-be married couple out 😉. Hey, it’s definitely more tactful (and millennial) than just flat out telling people that you’re only accepting cash.
((Side note, one of my favoriteeee scenes from The Office was when Pam was talking to Kevin about her wedding gift wishes - he asked “Hey, Pam, I heard that you were registered, but I didn’t hear where.” And she replied “I don’t think we registered anywhere. We just want cash.” Followed by “Like money? Like you- you want my money?” And then “Mm-hmm.” SOOO freakin good! 😂))
All kidding aside, whether you’ve been living together for years and don’t need anything else taking up space 🙋, need to recoup some of the money you’ve poured into your taking-the-plunge fund, or just really want an epic honeymoon escape, there’s no harm in pushing your guests in the right direction. Consider it a nice, pre-nuptials nudge. You can post little social media suggestions like my sis, get straight to the point by telling people what you want right away (although that can get rude real quick), or get a little clever and crafty with it.
We’ll help you out. Swipe away for some pointers… And Steph, if you’re reading, it wouldn’t hurt to share this story on Facebook. You’ll definitely get that point across. Hehehe JK!