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10 Bachelorette Hotspots You Should Think About Right Now

Is it me or have bachelorette parties gone from zero to epic in just a matter of a few years? When I was getting married myself, I wanted to go to New Orleans with my bridal party and BFFs sooo badly, but my baby cousins were in the wedding (and couldn’t take off from school), a lot of my friends couldn’t get time off from work. Long story short, a trip to The Big Easy was anything but. So, we did what anyone would do if he/she couldn’t go somewhere super exciting - and we spent the weekend at a spa resort. Was relaxing, of course, but hardly closeeeee to the next levelness of bach bashes these days.

Thankfully, I’ll be making up for it at my sister’s bachelorette this summer. We’re doing a 4-day cruise to the Bahamas, and despite the fact that I’ll be avoiding getting off the ship when we’re docked - #ZikaNerves - I cannot wait to indulge in ALL of the super extra, basic B bachelorette stuff she’s up for. Including, but not limited to, swimsuits with squad sayings, a helluva good hashtag, a free open bar all weekend (let’s be honest, the real reason I’m going 🤣 - kiddddddding), everything.

But even her bach weekend is a little low key, next to some of the places girls are going right now. From adventurous, yet trendy poncho and wide brim hat-wearing trips to the Red Rocks in Sedona to full weeks spent chillin in Little Cayman, girl groups are going big to say buhbyeee to their singlehood - and we love it. Or envy it. Not exactly sure which!

Anyway, we thought we’d round up some of the best places to consider if you’re in the market for a major getaway to celebrate becoming a Mrs. oh so soon. Whether you want to head somewhere your yogi tribe can totally vibe with or think you crew could totally find something to do in Tuscany (I dunno, but watching Becca, Kendall, Lauren, Seinne, Tia and Bekah under the Tuscan sun a few weeks ago just made me realize that without Arie, it could have been the most fun wine wanderlust bach ever), we’ll give you some inspo to mull over…..

Here’s a solid idea: get your ladies together next Monday for The Bachelor finale, and start planning during commercial breaks. He’ll be bringing his last two picks to Scottsdale anyway, so it could get you in the mood if you’re planning a sunshine sojourn out West. Just sayin’!

And while you’re at it, refresh yourself on some of the most delightfully stupid quotes we heard on Arie’s season.

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