Quick And Easy Hostess Gifts
A bouquet or candle is nice, but if you were looking for something a bit more clever, here are a few quick and easy hostess gifts that you can buy last minute. All affordable and best of all usable.
1. Chalkboard paint coffee mug- This particular gift will have you driving a few more places, but the end result is way cute. Start off with some white coffee mugs and use chalkboard paint to paint a heart, circle or whatever you fancy. You can make them bulk for friends and family. Put some chalk in the mug and tie a bow on the handle. Voila! You have yourself one cute personalized hostess gift. Be sure to make one for each of your hosts.
2. Guaranteed any of your friends would love a gift certificate to their favorite nail salon along with a bottle of seasonal polish like these from Essie.
3. If you plan on bringing a bottle of wine - go the extra mile and buy a cute wine opener to go along with the gift. We love this Skeleton Key Bottle Opener and Corkscrew. Cute enough to hang on the wall.
4. We all have that one friend that adores their gin and tonic. As a hostess gift buy them a bottle of gin, tonic and potted lime tree like this one from William Sonoma. If you cannot get your hands on a lime tree, I am sure cute bowl filled with limes would be equally as appreciated.
5. They worked all day over the oven. Ensure they have a low maintenance tasty breakfast waiting for them in the morning. Stop by your local bagel place and pick up a dozen bagels and a tasty shmear. Present this with a bag of fresh coffee and you are guaranteed to get leftovers.
6. Show up with some microfiber sponges, dishsoap and a Caldrea Dish Brush and offer to the dishes. Not only will your hostess be overwhelmed with joy, but you bet you will be the first one invited next year.