5 Tips to Make Sure Your Wedding Hashtag is On Point
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, hashtags. I’m still a huge fan of the trend for weddings, probs because I didn’t have one for my own…My new last name, as of 2014, is Halibey. #halibeyeverafter (***type it in, you’ll get ‘no results found,’ I promise). Don’t remind me, biggest missed opportunity ever. Join our closed group Wedding Chicks Brides on Facebook to get help with your hashtag! These brides are genius.
Not sure, though, why we didn’t have one. Maybe just because it wasn’t as big a thing as it is now (or has been in recent years). But, lo and behold, since my wedding, I’ve made sure my hashtag game is 👌👌👌 for every occasion that calls for it … thought of my now one-year-old son’s hashtag as soon as I got pregnant (umm, it was even a little before then, whoops), made sure my sister-in-law’s gender reveal party a few years back had an awesome one, too. And of course, once my sister got engaged last year, I made sure she started using one as soon as she could. My brother-in-law and soon-to-be sister-in-law (who’s actually my first cousin, again, noooo weirdness happening here, they obvi aren’t related) just got engaged in Disney last week, and I’ve been busy thinking of some options for them too.
Yes, I’m a little obsessed, but WTFC? No matter what anyone says, hashtags are still trending; they’re one of those wedding things that people actually pay attention to. Really. Truth time. If you can honestly say that you don’t smile and think ‘OMG that’s great’ when you see one of your friends post about their engagement/wedding/bachelorette and use a super creative hashtag, then we’ll buy you a drink or something. Don’t believe you, though 😜.
Here are a few hallmarks of a hell-yes-that’s-good hashtag:
- It’s original, inimitable. Meaning that when you search it on Insta or Twitter, you don’t turn up any results. This ensures that when you start using your hashtag, you’ll be the only one posting pictures there - well, you and your fam and friends, when you cue them into your branding…
- It’s simple and easy to remember. The best hashtags are succinct and super easy to recall. Because yes, you can get a little bats*** cray and put signage up all over your reception, encouraging people to post with your #, but if you think of something they can’t screw up, or can remember without being prompted, that’s money.
- It’s encouraged early on. What’s the point of a hashtag? To aggregate all of your and your fam, friends, colleagues’ pictures in one place. A social media photo album to compliment your professional wedding pics. If you can strategize your stamp early on, and start ‘promoting’ it as soon as you get engaged / at your engagement party, etc., then you’ll condition your crew to do it, too. And by the end of your wedding, you’ll have a hefty collection of captures to stalk as you wait to board the plane for your honeymoon.
You can use an online generator or plugin (there are a few big guys, sure you’ve seen them) or enlist a little extra help via companies like Wedding Hashers, but we challenge you to come up with one on your own. Because 1) the online generators are beyond basic. #StephandMichaelGetMarried blehhh 2) you two (and your ride or dies) know your love story best, so when it comes to the wordsmithing you’ll probably be up to the task more than anyone else and 3) coming up with a hashtag is fun. Just gives you and your boo another opportunity to uncork a bottle of wine, put on some music, and start unleashing your inner pun prowess. #thecouplethatpunstogether….
BRB, we’re adding this to list of date night ideas.
So, if you’re digging this dare - we have some tips. A couple things I’ve picked up throughout my career in PR, social media and writing…
Use Your Names.
Getting reallllll elementary here. Your names - first, middle, last are the best starting point for a perfect hashtag. Maybe the bride’s name is Bayley? That first half - Bay - is gold. How about using Bay as a standin for BAE? Groom’s name is Ryan? #RyanFoundHisBay. Or what about this? #TaylorMadeforJames - too cute. Names are the best way to go, because your guests probably have a good handle on them…
Work In a Wedding Word or Words.
So, we’re talking ‘newlyweds, kiss the bride, we now pronounce you, anything with ‘I Do.’ love, hitched,’ etc. I’ve seen #TheNuzieweds before, I’m also super excited about one of my sister’s besties who’s getting married this summer - her fiancé has a GREAT last name ‘Galanakis,’ so obvi it only made sense to make their hashtag #YouMayNowGalanakistheBride. And if your name just happens to be part of traditional vow vernacular - i.e. Richer - then definitely take advantage. #ForRicher…. Or (doesn’t have to be Poorer, people, think out of the box!) Anything that ends in ER works!
When it Doubt, Use a Pop Culture Reference.
If you’re not already going with a nickname or couple mashup (something that your friends came up with for you and your S.O. in college or high school) #LoveByrds #JoinedattheHipp #HighSchoolSweetHartz etc., then think about taking a page out of the pop culture playbook. My best friend got married last October, and she and her husband had their hashtag inspired by The Lion King - #JustCantWaittoBeKeane. 🙌. Every couple getting married RN - and their friends - probably grew up watching TLK, so it’s relevant and awesomely apropos.
Scoop Up Something That Can Be Tweaked for Multi-Use.
If your hashtag can be manipulated for multiple pre-wedding occasions, the shower, bachelorette, etc. Then you’re in good shape. Take my sister’s wedding for example. I helped her come up with #BoundforBaum right after she got engaged, I dieeee for alliteration. ((Read anything I write, you’ll get it)), so it seemed pretty perf. It’s unique, she’s the only one who has ever used it, AND it’s already been hijacked for her bachelorette hashtag #BahamasBoundforBaum. This is a great tip, too, to create even more continuity and consistency with the social media surrounding your wedding. Prefixing FTW!
Tell Your Story in a Few Words.
Are you both doctors or pharmacists (RX-approved love)? Did you meet on Spring Break (and will be returning there for your destination wedding)? #PanamaCityWeddingorBust. Do you share an (un)healthy Harry Potter obsession? Being able to nod to your hobbies or particular points of interest in your relationship with your hashtag is always appreciated. And it’s usually these that get remembered the most! One of my highschool friends got married last year, and we aren’t close anymore, but her hashtag was ah-maze. #SheilaSwipedRight. I don’t even know her husband, and we haven’t spoken in years, but that Tinder trademark just totally worked for them. It’s iconic and widely understood, uses alliteration, and includes her name. ✔️✔️✔️
Need any help fine tuning your hashtag? I’m available for hire, and can be paid with Prosecco and Sugarfina gift cards 😉
And when you’re ready, we have a whole bunch of free + customizable wedding hashtag printables for your perusal…