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10 Things To Talk About Before You Start Wedding Planning

Proposal Story Engagement Photo:

Before you break out the wedding binder, release your secret wedding pin board and create a wedding timeline,  you'll need to discuss the following 10 points with your fiancé. 

Thoroughly going over each point with your partner, this will ensure that you're on the same wedding planning page. If you read through this list and you've already discussed everything, then kudos to you. You can officially break out your wedding planning binder and get to business.


engagement ring that is only $300 Solitaire Engagement Ring: Bihls

A close friend went to Hawaii shortly after her engagement, and she didn't like to wear her engagement ring in the ocean. She put it in the trunk of her car while they were swimming and someone broke into their car and stole everything, including her engagement ring. Luckily her ring was insured and she was able to get a new one.  Long story short is you should ensure your engagement ring. By the way, the engagement ring above is only $350!

2. LONG OR SHORT engagement?

Do you want to have a long engagement or are you thinking 6 months to a year? Make sure you're both on the same page about the length of your engagement. After you decide, send out our We're Engaged free printable and have an engagement party. 

6. Big or small wedding?

If you have not watched this video on how wedding guests greatly affect your budget, do so now. It will shed some light on your guest list and help you decided if you want to have a big wedding or an intimate wedding.

3. Traditional vs. Non-Traditional!

gold tiara Gold Tiara:

What might be obvious to you, might not be so obvious to your partner. Talk about family traditions and if you plan to honor them.

If you are Greek, The bride and groom are basically queen and king of their universe for the day. During the ceremony they wear crowns made of either gold or orange blossoms See 20 Traditions From Around The Globe.

4. What is the budget?

What is your wedding budget? This question will be asked over and over again. You will dream about your budget and obsess over it. You both need to come to the conclusion that it's just money and you're going to have a special day together which is priceless. 

According to costofawedding.com the average cost of a wedding is $25,576. Obviously, this will vary from couple to couple, but it should give you a good starting point. After you determine your budget start an excel spreadsheet like this to help with your wedding budget.

5. Whose chipping In?

Do your parents or relatives plan on helping? If so, have they ever talked to you about how much they can afford to contribute?

Take this into account when determining your wedding budget. Be sure to send everyone who helped with the wedding a handwritten thank you card.

6. Family Dynamics

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Discuss the complexities of your family relationships. For instance, if either you know of two relatives that cannot sit by each other at the wedding, or your parents have financial troubles and asking them for money is not a great idea. Thoroughly discuss anything or anyone that will affect planning your wedding. Being open and honest will make the wedding planning process a lot easier.

7. Priorities

You each need to separately go through the list below, number them in order of importance and then compare with each other.

Figure out where you each stand and come up with a joint list together, then you are able to set your budget accordingly. #1 on your list will receive the most of your budget and so on.

1. Flowers and Decor
2. Food and Drink
3. Fashion / Attire (wedding dresses, tuxedos)
4. Having help with the wedding (coordinator stylist)
5. Honeymoon
6. Paper Goods (Stationery, menu, welcome sign, menu, drink signs ect.)
7. Photography
8. Stationery
9. Venue / Location
10 Videographer

9. Should We Move In?

If you don’t live together already, talk about making the leap before the wedding. Not only will you save money, but you will also have more time together to plan and organize. * Wedding planning tip. Designate two days a week to plan your wedding, as opposed to spending time everyday wedding planning.

10. Have a heart to heart!

Have an open discussion about the stress of wedding planning. Although it will be the best day ever, things might get a little bumpy.

There might be rain in the forecast and the only way to save the day is a $4700 dollar tent. Are both of you up for dealing with planning a big party? Maybe eloping or an intimate destination wedding is for you. 

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