Virginia + Richard
This is Richard+Virginia special Wedding in Florence.
Virginia was originally from italian family, she was born in Zimbabwe and there she has a fashion activity, Richard was born from a european family, grown in Zimbabwe and working with Virginia. They both live in Glasgow, Scotland. The wedding was special because two worlds was united: Africa and England. They choose Florence because they met there in this city 7 years ago, they have some business here and some family friends.
Virginia and Richard love italy, they get married in Villa di Liliano a Meoli, a beautiful location for their special day, they used Jewish rite. She get prepared in his aunt villa in firenze, Villa Broferio, a beautiful villa near piazzale michelangelo, surrounded by florentine hills. The day before the wedding they had a cocktail party in Villa Olmi Resort, a special resort in the near of Florence where the groom stay. The couple clearly have an eye for fashion as Virginia wore a stunning Yolan Cris wedding dress and a pair of stunning Gucci shoes, while Richard looked equally handsome in a suit by The Kooples and shoes by Louis Leeman.