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Vintage Villa Antonia wedding in Austin Texas

This was such a beatiful wedding! If you live in Austin, Villa Anotnia is a wonderful place to have your wedding. The bride wanted an Old World feel so she had her hair done in finger waves, she used old pottery flower vases and her dress had a definate vintage feel. Also the flowers were simply STUNNING! Enjoy!

Villa Anotnia

19039 Adrian Way Jonestown, TX 78645-9605
(512) 267-3509

Austin wedding photography

Austin wedding photography

Austin wedding photography

Austin wedding photography

Austin wedding photography

The next picture is of their rings on a drum stick box. I thought it was cute that it tied in their love for music and them being a "Perfect Pair". The groom played a set during the reception that was AMAZING!

Austin wedding photography

Austin wedding photography

Austin wedding photography


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