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Simply Bloom Photography an Alababma Photographer

Simply Bloom Photography an Alababma Photographer

web: www.simplybloomphotography.com blog: www.simplybloom.blogspot.com email: info@simplybloomphotography.com tel: 256.656.6456

Simply Bloom Photography an Alababma Photographer

Simply Bloom Photography posted this in our Real Wedding Section and of course we wanted to make sure you got a glimpse of their magical work. I remember when Amy shared their web site with me and said you have to check out these girls. They really have something special going on.

Simply Bloom has a unique vintage inspired style. Using tones, textures, setting and natural light to achieve the perfect blend of modern vintage photography. Many describe their work as fairytale-like. I whole heartedly agree. The Chicks L-O-V-E!!!

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