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Husband Celebrates 80 Years With Wife, She’s Still His Honey

Arthur and Marcia Jacobs Photo: Courtesy of Gabe Jacobs

How is it that traditional wedding anniversary gifts aren’t really advertised after 60 years? 25 years together is celebrated in silver, 50 years is gold, and 60 is diamonds, but what comes after that? is silver Sure, it’s asking a lot to live eight, nine, even ten decades, but it’s not out of the question. Just take this extraordinary pair of ‘superhumans,’ 105-year-old, Arthur Jacobs and 100-year-old, Marcia Jacobs, for example….

On Monday night, a very proud grandson posted an incredible video of his grandparents celebrating 80 years of marriage (literally, 80 years, that is phenomenal). Though it took us quite some time to watch through the 2-minute video in its entirety, because tears, it was poignant and powerful and a hell of a heart-warming story. It reminded us that life is beautiful, and finding someone to share all of it with, the good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, is the greatest treasure in the world.

You can’t help but smile at hearing Arthur talk to his wife, grabbing her hand and whispering “I’ve loved you for 80 years, honey. That’s a lot of time.”

He goes on to say how beautiful she was and is, and how much he has missed her, but is reassured by his grandchildren that their lives were lucky and so full of love. Even while his wife had little understanding of what was going on around her, she took his hand and kissed it ever-so-sweetly, an amazing gesture to show she was ‘still there’ and still so in love with her soulmate.

Arthur and Marcia met while going to school at the University of Wisconsin. Each of them pursued incredibly impressive careers, thereafter, with Arthur working for the War Manpower Commission in Washington, D.C., during WWII and Marcia directing social work at Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale, New York.

“The Notebook” always manages to make us cry, but this IRL story is giving us major chills. True love isn’t a myth. Arthur and Marcia, thanks for making us believers!

Celebrating an anniversary as monumental as 80 years together is as special as they come. Doing it all over again, or at least dolling up, having a designer makeover and cheesing for the camera with your always-there companion is a wonderful way to commemorate the occasion, no matter how many years later.

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