You are in the process of planning one of the biggest events of your life. On top of this you are more than likely also planning an elaborate honeymoon! Needless to say you have a lot going on and more than likely some things are going to slip your mind. The Chicks suggest going out and purchasing a cute make up bag and filling it with your top
5 must-haves. These are items you would be miserable without! Pack it now, so you won't forget! You probably won't be able to find your precious Tweezerman tweezers on an island in the Caribbean, trust us and DOUBLE UP buttercup!
Listed below are jocey and amy's must haves. Belize Butterfly Tote By Stephanie Johnson
amy's list secret clinical deodorant (amy swears by this and wants everyone to know she loves it) laura mercier shimmer blocktweezersphilosophy clear awaysatsuma lip balm
jocey's list cover girl invisible creamfunk butter natural cream deodorantshu uemura eyelash curlereste lauder more than mascaratweezers