Hair Tutorial | How To Get Loose Curls
If you are loving that loose curl look, Erica from 1011 Makeup shows us how to make your hair a wavy wonderland. Before you start, you are going to need a few products Heat Protection Spray, a good curling iron is a must and Spray Wax. After washing, blow your hair dry and get ready to get your pretty on. Read on for exact directions.
What You will Need Before You Create Your Loose Curls:
Heat Protectant Spray: Macadamia Heat Protection Spray A good curling iron is a must. We like Hot Tools Professional Spring Curling Iron for Gentle Curls.
Spray Wax: Paul Mitchell Spray Wax
Read on for the how to get loose curls tutorial from 1011 Makeup. You are going to look so pretty, let us know if you tried it.
Spray a heat protectant on your hair prior to using any hot tools on your hair.
You can section your hair however you would like, pining some hair up and away while you work from the nape of your neck up, or you can just pull hair from the back and work your way to the front.
The size of the barrel you choose to use as your tool will depend on the desired size of the curl, or "looseness" of wave, you would like to achieve (bigger barrel, larger and looser the curl).
For "loose curls" begin with about 1 inch sections and insert hair into the open barrel, with the barrel at an angle, towards the top of the hair shaft (closer to the scalp and not the ends of the hair.
Rotate the hair around the barrel until the hair is wound. You can wrap hair in whatever direction you desire (towards face or away from the face). I prefer the hair directed away from the face. As you turn the iron to curl, you will move the barrel down the hair shaft after each turn. Try to hold the ends of the hair with one hand as you curl with the other. This will help to control the hair and keep the hair taut as you work your way down. As you turn the barrel, you may need to drop the ends from the hand not holding the iron in order to turn the hair, pick the ends back up as you slide the barrel down.
Don't be afraid to move the iron around so it makes it easier to control. You can direct the iron angled up or you can direct the iron angled down, depending on what side of the head you are working on, and what hand is your dominant hand.
You will feed the ends of the hair into the barrel last to smooth the ends, trying not to keep heat on them for too long.
The hair that frames the face should be directed away from the face. Once you have worked your way around the head, you can use your fingers to break up the curls leaving you with loose, tousled, curls.
Spray hair with a light finishing spray. You can also use a light spray wax to give you a more "piecey" look… just don't overdo the wax or it can weigh down the curl.