Why Your Bucket List Is the Ultimate Wedding Gift Registry
Let’s be honest, wedding registries are great, if you’re still building your home together and you want - and need - more than those few saucepans and panini maker you bought for your first off-campus house in college. But other than that, they really just continue to exist because bridal showers are still trending ((and not really sure when/if that’ll ever go away)). No one really knows how to have a bridal shower without that huge block of time reserved for gift opening - myself included! At the end of the day, though, millennials wrote the book on experiences over things, so it’s kind of strange that as the ones who are getting married RN, we’re not totes on-board with alternative registries and the belief that money can only buy happiness, if it’s buying shared experiences for couples to enjoy together. Thankfully, we spent some time getting to know VEBO, the first wedding registry exclusively dedicated to experiential gifts, and we’re beyond amping up on what they’re putting down.
VEBO - what’s it mean?
VEBO is actually an acronym that stands for “Value Experiences Before Objects.” It’s pretty self-explanatory, right: a wedding registry for experiences. VEBO partners with great experience providers in the western US and throughout Latin America to offer some of the most bucket-list level experiences out there to engaged couples. And in turn, the soon-to-be-married couples skip on the traditional gifts, and instead register for real experiences such as wine tasting, skydiving, spa days, and cooking classes. Marrying the one you love and spending everyday living your best, most fulfilled lives - we’d say that’s numero uno on the bucket list of life.
So, if you can have a registry that allows those nearest and dearest to you to check things off your in league bucket list - why wouldn’t you??!?!!
They’d be willing to bet that registering with them is the key to a happy marriage
That’s a bold, ballsy statement, we won’t lie - but if you’ve ever read our post on what we think constitutes a happy couple, you know that we’re 100p behind eating together, sleeping together, learning+evolving together, healthily challenging each other, and having friends. These are foundational, they lay the groundwork for a successful union and partnership, and amazingly, they’re all things that can easily be accommodated with a VEBO registry.
From a private dinner with sharks in San Francisco, to a helicopter tour in Hawaii, a cooking class party in Park City, UT, to a tiny house glamping getaway in Washington, and tickets to basically ANY theatrical performance, sporting event, or concert that’s super hot right now, there is seriously no shortage of happy-couple-making moments that can be registered for on VEBO. Not to mention, if you’re well set with home essentials and/or not stressing about buying a home yet, prioritizing date nights for the first few years of your marriage ((a millennial trademark)) can be realllll high up on the bucket list. It’s just a matter of letting your guests know that that’s what you want ➡️ so, hello VEBO!
And the coolest parts of this experience pact
We’ll just bullet them out - because you need to know RN
- Because our generation is also so hyped on giving back, there’s a huge charity component to this registry. VEBO couples are able to select a charity to tie to their wedding registry - one that resonates with the couple themselves and obviously addresses important causes including children, education, medical and human services and the environment. VEBO contributes 5% of the sales from the couple’s registry to the charity they have selected.
There’s a social and shareable element to the registry, too. Buddy-moons might only be a thing because VEBO made it possible. We live in the Instagram culture where people want to be able to share their moments, and to be inspired by the cool experiences that their friends enjoy. And VEBO not only lets, but encourages couples to share their next-level, bucket-list entries with others. Just look for the options with a ‘JOIN US’ badge.
Guests don’t need to go for broke to make your bucket list dreams a reality, either - they can buy as little as 10 percent of a gift, so you can register for incredible experiences ((truly once-in-a-lifetime, bucket-list things)) while still keeping gifts affordable. And if your experience isn’t fully purchased, it’s NBD, you can always use the funds towards other VEBO experiences. #transferablecreditsFTW
Just take their word for it
“My husband and I chose VEBO, because we love doing things together from skiing to boating. We first chose the hot air balloon ride, because it was on our bucket list. We both loved the Idea of enjoying experiences, from winemaking to glassblowing, more than gifts.” ~ Ellie Figgins
“We chose to do VEBO, because we wanted to have amazing memories with each other and with friends! We already owned most of the traditional home gifts you get for your wedding, so this was something exciting to do instead!” ~ Brynja McLachlan
Sooooo, have you made it on over to the ‘collect moments, not things’ side? We’re tandem skydiving in Phoenix, we’d love to have you to help us cross this off our lists!!! Start your FREE registry now!