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Sweet Treats + Clayton Austin

sweet treats

Whoop Whoop it is Friday and your sweet treats are here!
The first sweet treat is from Clayton Austin. He wrote an incredibly touching post on finding a boy... it is a must read!
How cute would your maids look in these socks, obviously it has to be a funky fresh wedding. I found them over on one of my new reads design is mine (dang my google reader is getting filled up) You can purchase them over at the Bebaroque Shop. They have a ton of crazy tights and socks.
Yep... I know that is cute! I know this is not really wedding related but, I had to show you. Maybe you can buy it for your hubby to be for Valentines Day. Christine Edwards sells these over at Etsy! This particular masterpiece is called Bulldog wearing vintage tie.
Need some escort cards? Pick up these fancy fresh beauties over at Sycamore Street Press. They are letterpress and they are cute. You just need to find a friend with some good penmanship.
hopeless romantic, eternal optimist, lover of fairytales, believer in happy endings... over at Better Than Fine.
kiss kiss hug hug and happy weekend Love-
Amy & Jocey

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