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Plum Pretty Sugar Black Friday Deals

Plum Pretty Sugar Black Friday Deals

It’s that time of the year! Plum Pretty Sugar has TWO MAJOR deals. Get them while you can. You already know how much we love Plum Pretty Sugar, now it's time to share the wealth and stock up on the perfect gifts for your wedding party!

Plum Pretty Sugar black friday deals
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Deal #1

Spend $100 or more and receive 15% off
Spend $200 or more and receive 20% off
Spend $300 or more and receive 25% off
Spend $400 or more and receive 25% off
and $10 bounce back code valid December 12-01-17 to 12-20-17
Spend $500 or more and receive 25% off and a free surprise robe


Deal #2

Buy one FLASH SALE Piece and Receive 50% Off Another Flash Sale Piece

Plum Pretty Sugar black friday deals
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