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An Engagement Story of love, Sincerity and Belly Laughs

Greg Samborski Photography Photo by:

We love when readers share their stories and today, we've got a cute one. You might say it is serendipity. Read on to her this sweet story of love, sincerity and belly laughs. If you're planning your wedding, we've got you covered so check out lots of amazing photographers, venues and more.

A Real Proposal Story

Hi! My name is Jamie and his name is Jibri. Our Engagement story is one of love, sincerity and belly laughs. Five years ago, today we met in a very unconventional way. One might say that it was pure fate. Not in a romantic, fairy tale type of way. In fact, I am convinced that our cupid has a sick sense of humor.

Jibri and I quite literally ran into each other. Looking down and not paying attention, we bumped heads. After the thump, we both looked up and said “Ow” and then hello. Turns out he was at the restaurant for a day party while I was dining inside with two of my girlfriends.

Greg Samborski Photography Photo by:

After a short conversation, we exchanged phone numbers but only exchanged a few text messages before the communication stopped. But, again fate. Months later we saw each other again at a Christmas party. I remembered him and as he approached me I assumed he remembered me. Shortly after he introduced himself to me I realized that he did not. I let him continue the conversation as if we were complete strangers and I accepted his compliments gracefully but shut him down when he asked me for my number and I told him “You already have it”. That was one moment where I wish I had eyes in the back of my head to see his facial expression as I walked away. I couldn’t tell you about the first time we met without telling you about the second time. 

After the Christmas party, we started texting and talking on the phone again and eventually had our first date on December 21, 2012. The last day of the Mayan calendar. Our dating life was (is) fun. I dragged my Fiance from adventure outing to adventure outing. We very often spent time in a homemade living room fort and stayed up hours talking like and rehearsing our answers should we ever end up on the Newly Wed show.

Greg Samborski Photography Photo by:

On January 6th, 2017 he proposed. I had a bag half packed for our upcoming trip to Seoul, South Korea to visit with family with my “engagement outfit” very carefully sealed in a plastic bag. Instead, the moment that he proposed I had crust in my eyes, morning breath and hair that defines the term bed hair. I sat up, bewildered and confused. It was 6am in the morning. I stared at the ring and slowly realized what was happening. I thought to myself “Is there a camera somewhere?” then I remembered that it was 6am on a Saturday and we were at home. I was immediately filled with laughter and tears. My fiancé was on the side of the bed on one knee asking me to be his wife. After saying YES, we both laughed and cried for hours. We couldn’t wait to share the news and there was one person who was both awake and awaiting our call. His grandmother, Mary. Hearing her voice and her tears of joy really sealed the experience.

We are set to marry in April of 2018. As far as our exact wedding plans, it will probably unfold exactly how our relationship has—unexpected, unconventional and unequivocally perfect.

If you're a sucker for love, you won't want to miss our very own Davina's proposal story, A Wedding Chicks Proposal Story in Giverny France or this Desert Engagement in Arizona with a Heartwarming Proposal Story.

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