DIY Shell Topped Bottles
We bring you another fabulous diy project from Matt and Kalin's Maui Wedding. This time Kalin teaches us how to make your own shell topped bottles. The perfect addition to any ocean table decor. Plus these could easily be used after the wedding for decorations around your home, as a sweet memento of your special day. So ... let's get crafting.
Photography: Katrina Louise DIY Project By: The Vintage Alley Read on for directions on how to make your own DIY Shell Topped Bottles. So cute for wedding favors, table decorations or just because.
What you’ll need:
Vintage glass bottles (which can be picked up at your local flea market)
Sea shells – large and small. coral is a nice option as well.
Bondo (used in car repairs – can find it at any Home Depot) and clear glue Rope/twine Step 1: Take a half dollar size amount of bondo and mix with a dab of the provided hardener. Using a wooden mixing stick, place the mixture directly on to the opening of your vintage bottle.
Step 2: Quickly, place your shell into the bondo, holding tightly for 5 minutes to allow a firm hold. You can use the mixing stick to mold the bondo around the shell. Once this dries, it will be rock solid.
Step 3: Once the shell feels firmly in place (usually 15-20 minutes), apply a thin layer of clear tacky glue onto the hardened bondo. Wrap the area with twine and hold until the glue is dry.