2014 Free Calendar Save The Dates
There have been many requests for our Free 2014 Free Calendar Save The Dates, which has to be one of our most popular Free Printables. You can easily apply your photo after you print them out, or if you have an image editing program like Photoshop, you can print your own photo out on them.
One of our favorite ways to mark your date is with a stamp, we chose a heart stamp and ink from Michael’s. A special thanks to Erich McVey for providing us with these pretty images.
Here is what you are going to need for your Free 2014 Free Calendar Save The Dates Supplies Needed:
Printer, we love the Epson Stylus Photo 1400 #10 Luxe Fino Cream Flat Cards from Paper- Source 25 for $6.25 #10 Open End Luxe Fino Cream Envelopes 1from Paper- Source 0 for $5.50
Stamp and Ink, or Brads and a 1/8 inch hole punch.
4×3 Photos (if you would like to attach an actual photo to the card)
Choose your favorite photo and print or trim to 4 inches by 3 inches and attach it to your Save the Date. You can go to your local photo lab or print them yourself on photo paper. (We have printed the image directly on the card.)
We also did not want you to forget about our custom phone wallpapers. Just like our Free Printables you can change colors, type in your name(s), and totally customize your wallpaper.
Almost all the designs can be customized with your text and your colors. One of our favorite designs is shown below, the Paper Airplane Heart.
How To Download The Wallpapers To Your Phone:
1. Visit the custom phone wallpapers section and select your design
2. Input your names or initials and colors (not all have color options)
3. The Download will appear in a new window
4. Press and hold the image and then choose save image
5. Your design will be in your iphoto library, choose use as wallpaper and voilà !