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How to Wrangle a Celeb for Your Wedding Ceremony

Stranger Things Star David Harbour Will Officiate Fan's Wedding for 125K Retweets
Photo: @dkharbour

Okay, so David Harbour quite possibly just proved he’s evennnn cuter than most think he is already. 1) By honoring his promise to a high school fan who asked him to appear in her yearbook photos and 2) By taking his fan-favorite status just a bit further, making a vow last night that he would oblige another fan’s greatest wish to have her wedding officiated by Hopper himself. That is, if she can meet his pre-ceremony rider.

And guys, it’s both a mix of adorable and heavy-handed. Take a look at what he’s asking in return for his role in her wedding:

Stranger Things Star David Harbour Will Officiate Fan's Wedding for 125K Retweets Tweet:

Let’s be honest, what Stranger Things devotee wouldn’t umm change his or her wedding date to accommodate David’s shooting schedj, let him pick the prose to precede the ‘I Dos,’ and last, but not least, gladly invite him to indulge in the first piece(s) of wedding cake. #beourguest, why of course?!! The only thing that’s still up in the air is that lofty 125K retweet goal… but considering the post has already generated more than half of those retweets since last night (70K+ and growing), and her wedding isn’t until September, it’s looking 👍

And David is def a man of his word - case in point, the earlier mentioned yearbook cameo. If only the band guys in my class looked that good with a trombone…

Stranger Things Star David Harbour Will Officiate Fan's Wedding for 125K Retweets Photo:

Anyway, we’re obsessed with this celeb<>fan bartering sitch and we hope that it starts a trend in the wedding world. We can just see it now: Ed Sheeran showing up as the wedding headliner for any bride brave enough to get a tattoo of him over her heart… ME deciding to get married again if only to promise supplying Channing Tatum with peanut butter and grape jelly+Cheetos sandwiches FOR LIFE just to have him as my own Magic Mike for the bach party. Tattoos and sandwiches… The ways to their hearts.

No really, these two are too good. They wouldn’t push fans to the limit, just to secure their presence at their wedding… or would they 😜

Teaser Photo Courtesy of Zelle Duda on Unsplash.

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