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A Bride’s Timeline to Personal Wedding Prep

A Bride’s Timeline to Personal Wedding Prep Photo:

Chantelle of Bridge to Bohemia is back again to share more of her pre wedding tips!  If you missed How To Style A David's Bridal Dress For a Boho Vibe or Five Occasions To Wear White Other Than Your Big Day. Hey guys, don't feel left out, because we have A Groom’s Timeline to Personal Wedding Prep for you too!

Pre-wedding there are so many things that must happen, this list of “must dos” is a list to make you feel more confident, energetic, and your best you before the big day. It’s your selfish list, I mean it’s technically the last few months you’re allowed to put yourself first, right? So do it! 


Sign up for SoulCycle or ClassPass or if you’re like me and like a little yoga, pilates, cycling, or whatever is available the exact time you’re free… sign up for both! 

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” -Elle Woods

Okay, but in all seriousness, working out does give you endorphins, and this is about to be the most blissful time but also slightly stressful. There are SO many decisions to be made, so many family gatherings and family opinions, and a lot of juggling work life, social life, and wedding planning. So, you’ll need to be as peppy and full of energy as possible. Plus, you’ll be happy you did when you go say “yes” to the dress (check out my fun wedding dress post here).


I hate to admit this out loud as a 30 year old woman BUT I have literally had 2 or 3 facials my entire life. So, pre-wedding/upon turning 30 I decided to make taking care of my skin a priority. Monthly or bi-monthly facials are now being implemented to make sure my face is fresh and glowing for my big day…. And for life afterwards!

I have some little unwanted freckles that popped up due to the mixture of 1st time birth control usage and the sun years ago, and my wedding dress neckline shows them off more than I’d like! SO, I looked into red light laser treatments and ways to make them less apparent. If you’re in the San Francisco I HIGHLY suggest Pacific Plastic Surgery Group and their non-plastic surgery procedures for your skin! In addition to my décolletage freckles, they are making my skin smooth, glowing, and full of collagen the way God and Vogue intended ;) I am now a big advocate for facial treatments!!!! Additionally, or in lieu of, get yourself some amazing skin care products!!!!

Some of my favorite skin care lines!
Peach and Lily
Codage Paris 

Easy Healthy Food

On the go healthy food is a MUST!!!! If you’re a busy person to begin with adding wedding planning to the mix will eat up a lot of your healthy cooking at home time. Here’s some of my favorites, after trying a few!

1. Thistle - if you live in the SF area, Thistle has changed my body! Mainly my gut! She is fantastic at putting together foods that give you energy, keep your gut health in check, and give you all the necessary nutrients. I do plant based meals from her, to make up for my unhealthy choices later in the week, but check it out!!!!! SO DANG YUMMY!!! ...and that’s saying a lot considering how much I hate eating healthy! Use Code: CHANTELLE2FREE for 2 free meals with your 1st delivery!

2. JUICER! I loveeeeeee juicing. When I’m busy and not getting the nutrients I need it’s the quickest and best way to fuel my system. I adore HUROM’s slow juicers.

3. Hello Fresh or Blue Apron - easy healthy meals delivered to your door. You still have to cook but everything is there + the recipe!

4. Kombucha! It’s so good for you and has the little caffeine boost you’ll need! Kombucha is great, once again, for gut health! Also, great for your joints and for detoxification. My favorite Komucha is HEALTH ADE.


I LOVE massages, even more during this busy season. The spa is great, when you have the time, but my new best friend has become the Soothe app. My fiance got me multiple massages for my Christmas present…. Needless to say, those are all used up already. SO GOOD!

Track It

This is a strange one to write about, but something I found SO helpful. Let’s put it this way, there are 3 weeks each month you want to get married, this is helpful to track and figure out which week is the week you don’t! I used both these apps leading up to picking our wedding weekend. Flo Period & Ovulation Tracker and Period Tracker Lite. You’ll thank me when you aren’t breaking out and bloated on your big day!

As always, remember to remind yourself that he/she proposed for a reason and all these little nuances don’t matter. If you eat every carb you can find, can’t book the venue you’d hoped for, or face plant into the cake…. You’ll still be marrying your person and spending forever loving each other! Enjoy this time, it goes by so fast! (2 month countdown starts now for me!)

With love,
Visit my website Bridge to Bohemia.

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