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Valentine’s Day Came Early Thanks To These Makeup Artists

Who else is getting excited for Vday 2018? As someone who has loved the color pink since my days in the womb (no joke), it’s been my favorite holiday - better than Christmas, better than my birthday (Cinco de Mayo, too… #margaritaloversincebirth), dare I say even better than my wedding anniversary? Whether it’s because I just appreciate any opportunity to wear pink with pride or because it gives me an excuse to eat chocolate-covered strawberries for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I’m just obsessed with the Hallmark holiday. Yah, it lands me on the lame list most of the time, but I don’t give a s***, I’ll bask in the afterglow of L-O-V-E every chance I get.

What I’m really excited about, though, other than all the red, white and blush-themed products that launch right about now, is all the pretty makeup inspo that’s popping up on Instagram. From cotton-candy contoured cheekbones to soft pink shadowed lids and rose gold metallics all over your face, these loved-up looks are perfect for Cupid’s day. And you might just want to try some out, if you’re feeling especially gl-amorous.

Remember when we showed you the Christmas eye makeup trends that were taking over The Gram, well these are even better!

Everyone has their opinions about February 14th and it’s pretty polarizing, but that just means you can embrace the endearment or envy it. And take it all out on your eyes 😍. We’re definitely more into the positive approach, with stamped or sticker hearts and lots of glitter, but if you want to rock a more 💔 look, then by all means, bring on the bitterness. Either way, it makes for conversation (heart) or two… or three…

Something to enhance that heart-shaped blush trend, right?

We’ve rounded up some of the best looks we’ve ❤️ in the last few days, and we guarantee that by the end of the week, there will be LOTS more. What can we say… we just love em… like XO.

Oh right, wasn’t there something else we couldn’t wait until February for? Unicorn makeup?

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