If Your Fiancé Does These 13 Things, You’ve Hit The Jackpot
Congrats, you're engaged! Whether you met your finacé the good old fashion way or through networking, it takes a lot of digging to find the right match. But let’s be real, not every match is made in heaven. So here are 13 things to see whether or not you’ve hit the fiancé jackpot.
1. They say “I love you” Often
Of all the ways to express your love to someone, those three little words have the biggest impact of all. When you love someone unconditionally, you can’t help but tell them often!
2. You are #1
You feel safe and secure knowing that your S/O will take care of your no matter what, because they make your happiness their top priority.
3. They Surprise You
Gift giving is just one of the five languages of love. When your partner surprises you with a spontaneous dinner date or flowers just to see you smile, you’ve seriously hit the jackpot.
4. They are Selfless
Your partner puts your needs above their own willingly, because unconditional love is truly a selfless act.
5. They Complement You Often
Whether you’re dolled up for a night out, or a little sweaty from cleaning the house all day, your partner genuinely complements you because they love you so.
6. They make time for you
No matter what happens in life, there’s always time to hang out together and just enjoy each others company. It’s that comfortable silence we all crave because just being near each other is enough.
7. They Flirt with You
There’s no sweeter feeling than knowing your partner still has a crush on you! They invest the time and energy into reminding you every day that you’re still their sweetheart.
8. They Calm Your Spirit
You know you’re with your best friend when just being around them makes everything feel more grounded and secure. They’re your calm in the storm, your saving grace after a long day.
9. Support You Through Everything
Believe it or not, we’re going to quote an Alanis Morissette song from the 90’s, ‘Unsent’, because this lyric sums it up nicely, “You were the best platform from which to jump beyond myself…”. Though it didn’t end up working out for Alanis and Terrance (sorry Terrance!) The takeaway from this is that your partner should not only support you in all your endeavors, but they should be your ultimate cheerleader and coach all wrapped up into one.
10. They Love Their Family (especially mom!)
How your partner treats their family is a potential sign of how they could end up treating you down the road. This may not ring true 100% of the time, but if they treat their family like crap for no reason, that could possibly be a red flag.
11. They Admit When They’re Wrong
Our egos can get the best of us, which is why your partner puts their ego aside and works with you as a team player. Humbling oneself to admit a wrong is a marriage must!
12. You both are a Team
When it comes to building a life together, there are a lot of decisions that have to be made. Working together as a team, even when it’s hard is what makes your relationship stronger in the end.
13. They let you know they appreciate you
A little appreciation goes a long way! Whether it’s cooking dinner or running errands, show your partner a little appreciation for all the things they do.