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Fire And Ice Game Of Thrones Wedding Ideas

With still, a little over a year left before the next season of HBO's Game of Thrones is released, the predictions of a House Stark and House Targaryen wedding are what keep us going. This next wedding inspiration created by Julie Floro Photography showcases what Jon and Dany's wedding day just might look like. And boy are we loving the results! 

Keep scrolling for more GoT details that we know all you Thrones fans have been craving. And don't forget to check out the full gallery, there is plenty more to see in there! 

game of thrones wedding

Khaleesi bridal style bride in Game of Thrones style

dragon eggs from Game of Thrones dramatic Jon Snow styled groom portrait game of thrones wedding ideas

Jon and Dany Game of Thrones wedding ideas

game of thrones wedding ideas Jon Snow groom look

Khaleesi themed bridal look

Jon and Dany Forever!

My favorite details in our shoot are the fact that we had a stunning couple, whose resemblance to Jon Snow + Daenerys Targaryen is uncanny, and their chemistry was undeniable.

Lockridge park proved to be a perfect backdrop for the shoot-- a gorgeous landscape of ancient ruins in the midst of a forest. We even had an amazing Cosplay artist design a handmade fur cloak for our Jon Snow as well as realistic life-sized scaled dragons eggs.

The tablescape complete with medieval wear and drinking horns, paired with snow and smoke bombs makes you feel like you're stepping right into Winterfell.

black and gold wedding place setting with a Game of Throne theme

black and gold wedding invitations wedding table ideas for game of thrones fans

dark and romantic wedding centerpiece idea

berry cheesecake

game of thrones wedding ideas Jon Snow groom style Daenerys Targaryen bridal style GoT themed wedding jewelry

Game of Thrones wedding escort cards

sweet Game of Thrones wedding Game of Thrones Wedding Idea

Bride and groom with GOT style

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