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Amanda Kraft Photography a PA wedding photographer

Rustic wedding with red boots and dress

Amanda Kraft is located in Pennsylvania but available to go any where you want her to go. She is a  food snob, loves to shop and has obsession with oversized handbags. Another girl after our own heart. Christina and Brandon had some serious cute details going on at their yellow barn wedding. I loved the details because not only did they stand out, but they appear to be easy enough that you could do them for your own wedding.
web: www.amandakraftphotography.com blog: www.amandakraftphotography.com email: amanda@amandakraftweddings.com tel: 717.715.0530

1. The Polaroids are so great, hand a few out and each guest can write something sweet underneath their photo. Hang on a piece of twine or ribbon with a close hanger or cute clip and instance personalized cuteness.

2. The scalloped escort cards appear to be from paper-source! So with hand written names on them with the table numbers.

3. The desert table is filled with what looks to like homemade treats. Simple, but from the heart.

Rustic wedding reception with photos, pies, and lanterns

At first glance I was thrown back by this cuter than life wedding. Staring at the images thinking this wedding looks like it is straight out of a magazine. A few minutes later while perusing Amanda's blog I LOL and found that it was featured in the Bride's Philadelphia and also in Bride's South Jersey.

Wedding magazines, bridal fashion, and ideas

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