5 Ways to Show Support When Your Little Sib Gets Engaged
News of the next big British wedding doesn’t seem to be dying down anytime soon (And why would it? We could easily make predictions about the special day and stalk the future Duchess of Sussex from now until May), but Prince William seems particularly pumped up about the occasion. Even if it’s only because a ring on Meghan’s finger meant a [hopeful] end to his little brother ‘scrounging’ his food. Oh, Wills, you quipster, you.
In an interview straight out of Kensington Palace yesterday, the eldest son of the late Princess Di shared how genuinely excited he and his own bride were for Harry and Meghan in the wake of their engagement news. And it was adorable. He went on to say that "It's a fantastic process you go through, the engagement and then the build-up to the wedding and things like that. So they've got a lot of happy times ahead of them and I think they are both caught up in the moment and I wish them all the happiness and success in planning the wedding. I hope it goes really well.”
Basically, in his congratulations over the engagement news, the Duke of Cambridge was total #bestmangoals. It makes us so psyched to see how he’ll wingman up to his baby brother as the months of planning go on.
Of course, the rules of supportive sibling-hood apply if you’re sisters, too. Remember when Pippa got engaged? Kate was just as delighted and thrilled at the news, sharing how excited she was for her sister to take the next step in her relationship and for her to gain a new brother.
So, taking some pointers from the Royals, we’ve rounded up some other tips to keep top of mind when your own little sister trades her single card for a spot in the just-engaged club.
Read on!
Yes, it’s true. Prince William is delighted about his kid brother waving buh-bye to bachelorhood. He said that he hopes the engagement news brings about a change in Harry’s habit of ‘scrounging’ around in his fridge for food. Always the kidder, sir! But really, Wills seems to be rising to the best man occasion in sharing his support for Harry and his bride. And we love it! So we’re sharing a few extra tips to remember when your own sibling decides to take the plunge. Read carefully, there will be a quiz later…
Will said it best when he noted how ‘caught up in the moment’ Harry and Meghan were in the days following their public announcement. As the older sibling, do your best to ensure your sister and her bae don’t get too overwhelmed with the wedding plans straight out the gate. Encourage them to bask in the pixie-dust-covered, newly-engaged afterglow for as long as it takes to cherish how special a time it is.
Along with the obligatory celebratory bottle of bubbly, make sure you get her a gift to celebrate her new #soengaged status. It doesn’t have to be huge, but something special that shows you care goes a long way. And it’s the holidays anyway!! You don’t have to go overboard, you can combine your Xmas present with a double-duty, ‘OMG YOU’RE ENGAGED, CONGRATS’ gift. Oh, and make sure you write out a nice card too! You’re the big sister, start testing out those MOH skills.
If you’ve already gotten married, realize that it’s now HER time to shine. So, that means letting her talk about her bride probs when you’re out to breakfast, lunch, shopping, Netflix nights, etc. And being the resident #BTS HBIC. When you go dress shopping, take pics of your pretty sis in her gown so she can have points of reference, when you see things out shopping that you know she’d love for her wedding, screenshot and share, when you know she’s #nextlevelstressed, send her Snaps of your own s*tty day to show solidarity.
No two siblings will ever have the same wedding. You’re different people, and that’s totally okay!! Sure, Will and Kate had an eight tier wedding cake, but maybe Harry and Meghan won’t want one (ahhhh). Kate also had her MOH in white, maybe Meghan will choose a different palette. Whether you’re the older sister by blood, or by marriage, remember that your help and advice is always appreciated, but sometimes it can tread into too-controlling territory. So, yes, share your rolodex of wedding vendors with your sis, but don’t get upset if she wants to hire a different florist or would prefer a live band over the DJ you chose.
Whether she’ll admit it or not, your sister wants you to be present at all the milestone moments in her engagement. Picking out a dress. Picking out flowers. So, even if you’re preggers and not feeling hundo p about being in public (morning sickness is a KILLER… we feel ya, Kate), have some big work thing on the horizon that’s keeping you preoccupied, just started dating someone and they’re keeping you busy, make sure you make an effort to be there for her. You have your own things going on too, of course (life didn’t exactly stop now that your baby sis is a bride-to-be), but being a supportive sister is such a priority. #sistersbeforemisters