4. Fats should be the size of your thumb.
Try to make sure that your meals only incorporate one carb serving. For example for lunch instead of a sandwich and chips which has two carbs try a sandwich and cottage cheese instead. (Cottage cheese has one of the best proteins in it called casein protein which keeps your metabolism running for a long time). Another example is instead of eating chicken with sweet potatoes wedges and rice (which is two carbs) for dinner try chicken, sweet potato wedges and asparagus.
With all of these try to incorporate healthier alternatives for carbs as well and fats such as whole grains and healthy fats like that in coconut oil, olive oil, avocados and many more!
1. Check the ingredients list
-The shorter the better. When buying dairy one great brand is Daisy since its ingredient lists are by far shorter than other comparable products. Also watch out for added sugars such as words like sugar, cane sugar, cane juice, sugar alcohol and many others.
2. Check the Nutrition Label for no trans fats as well as lower saturated fats.
3. Shop the perimeter of the store.
-This is generally where whole foods (not processed) are kept.
4. When shopping for grains try to get brown rice, quinoa, steel cut oats, or sweet potatoes (for a less starching carb alternative to regular potatoes).
Save this chart and use it as an easy reference for what kinds of fats to incorporate in your meals! At the top are the healthiest fats and move towards the bottom as it lists less healthy fats.
One fat to always avoid no matter what are trans fats. These are man made fats that our bodies do not know how to break down therefore making us gain weight. One big culprit of trans fat is margarine so for a healthier alternative switch to unsalted butter! As well when checking nutrition labels keep an eye out for oils that start with hydrogenated since those are trans fats and don't have to be listed on the package as long as the serving size has less than .5 grams of trans fat.
Olive oil is full of healthy fats as well as antioxidants. This is a great fat to pour over salads with some vinigrette or lemon juice. However it has the possibility of turning into trans fats (evil fats) if they are heated too high or reheated too much so to be on the safe side I recommend cooking with coconut oil instead!
As well as a substitute for white table sugar try sweetening foods with organic honey or 100% Agave, or coconut sugar. All of these are better alternatives to white sugar and can help curve unruly sugar cravings that just won't go away!
Note: Sucralose is commonly found in diet foods as well as gum so always read the nutrition label when buying foods from the store especially if they have a label that says fat free or half the calories!