Can we have a show of hands - who out there still loves to flip through Cosmo for all the sex and health tips they can handle? We certainly do! That being said, maybe it’s because I read it in high school and college - when I still really didn’t consider myself ‘of age’ - but it seemed just a tad taboo, because who am I kidding? I knew nothing about my sex life back then, other than knowing my boyf was hot and I wanted to take advantage of any weekend we got to see each other, because #longdistancesucked.
I feel like I can speak for soooo many women when I say that all the intel, all the how-tos, all the quizzes that let me know if I was doing X, Y, and Z right // and if not, how to make it better, really never went anywhere, because it didn’t seem real - or maybe, it just came across a little too much like porn star tips for lay people. The customized approach, coming from an understanding that there isn’t one type of lover, but many, in fact, just wasn’t really emphasized or embraced.
Fast forward to today, when personalization is everything, and men and women alike want to best themselves in every way possible ((especially in the bedroom)), that we’ll admit it’s the perfect time for an app to address sexual health and figure out the right formula for 🔥-level finesse once you get undressed...
Chicks, say hello to - a new app that has gained a recent $5M seed funding from multiple top investors including Tinder co-founder Sean Rad, among others.
It is being launched by Dr. Britney Blair, Stanford psychologist, board-certified in sexual medicine, and founder of the largest sex therapy clinic in Northern California. And unlike existing options on the market, including sex therapy (expert and effective, but expensive); books and podcasts (expert and accessible, but not personalized); online and other media (accessible, but not personalized or reliably science-based) – this new Lover app is triply accessible, personalized and science-based.
Add this to our list of ways to keep your sex life hot when you’re planning a wedding… or, if you’re already married, then Lover is def a must-have for keeping that married sex steamy.
We’re all adults here, let’s stop blushing about bangin’, maybe this app can show us all how to become more empowered, sexually woke folks!!!