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Amazing Floral Ideas For Your Forest Wedding

purple wedding bouquet

Kirsten and Dan's purple rustic wedding at Nestldown has so many amazing wedding flower ideas from Amy Burke Designs you won't be able to stop pinning. Trust us, you are about to irritate, or maybe entice, all of your Pinterest followers with how many beautiful bouquets you will find here. Keep scrolling and enjoy, and don't forget to visit the full gallery here to see all of these gorgeous details that were captured by Carlie Statsky Photography up close and in their full glory!

wedding invites

Nestldown wedding

red pink and orange bridesmaid bouquet

jr. bridesmaids ideas

Amy Kuschel wedding dress and purple bridesmaids

purple and white wedding bouquet

From the Bride:The choice to have deep purples as a color were because my favorite color is purple and the color of Dan's fraternity (where I spent a significant amount in time in college) was purple. My event designer and planner Janece of Every Elegant Detail just listened to these little influential factors and created something magical.

bride and groom at Nestldown

white boutonniere

purple tie and dark grey suit groomsmen

Besides the obvious highlight of saying "I do" to the man I love on my wedding day, the main highlight took place right before I walked down the aisle. I was standing at the top of the stairs with my Dad and specifically remember looking down to where the ceremony was about to take place. I saw Dan and his groomsmen standing patiently waiting for me. It was at that moment, that I grabbed my Dad's hand squeezed it and told him "Thank you for all of this, it is more than a dream come true, it is like a fantasy that has been brought to life"

forested wedding ceremony

natural wedding arbor

Welcome guests with a signature cocktail before the ceremony!
Mint, Ginger, & Watermelon Sparkler:
2 cups chopped watermelon (seedless or deseeded), pureed
8-10 large fresh mint leaves (about half a handful), your choice of type
½ inch knob fresh ginger, grated (about a ½ teaspoon grated)
6-10 drops liquid stevia, to taste 1 large bottle sparkling water (about 40oz)
2 cups ice Hint: You can also add 1 ounce of good-quality vodka per drink to turn it into a yummy cocktail to impress your friends Recipe:
Tear the mint leaves into small pieces and muddle them using the back of a wooden spoon in the bottom of a large pitcher. Add the rest of the ingredients, stir, and enjoy immediately. Cheers!

wedding cocktail

here comes the wedding party

saying i do

just married

train transport to wedding reception

cozy wedding favors

We chose Nestldown because Dan loves trees. He loves talking about them, climbing them, and visiting places with magnificent Redwoods. He also loves trains, when we walk in San Mateo he runs to watch the train go by, so I loved that there was a small train to ride at Nestldown. I grew up spending a significant time in Tahoe and there are Birch Trees everywhere which influenced the choice to have birch tree canisters on the tables.

decorate your escort card table

Are you ready to have your mind blown by all of the floral fabulous-ness that is about to happen?! Alright, ready... set... Pin!

rustic outdoor wedding reception

orange and teal reception decor

Amazing Floral Ideas For Your Forest Wedding

wedding flower ideas

Flowers are one way to keep things fresh at your reception but how about this amazing "Create your own salad bar" that Kristen and Dan had? Just looking at these amazing photos has us drooling over all of the delicious salad combinations!

create your own salad station

outdoor wedding reception

bride and groom chairs

After the sun set people gathered inside the conveniently placed Nestldown log cabin. The gorgeous interior of this rustic retreat was the perfect setting for dessert and dancing which lasted well into the night. How magical!

rustic cabin reception retreat

log cabin at Nestldown

wedding cupcakes

dessert bar

wedding dancing

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