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Succulent Wedding Bouquet

Succulent Wedding Bouquet

As you just saw from our gray, green and yellow wedding, succulents are unquestionably stylish. They work well as wedding favors, ceremony decor and our personal favorite -wedding bouquets. If you are a succulent wedding bouquet lover like us, we have two unique wedding bouquet recipes for you from Lori McNeill. She once was a florist, and as a special request created these succulent bouquets for her step daughter. Read on for the exact florals used in these striking bouquets.  Photographed by Sonya Yruel. You can see more beautiful wedding bouquet recipes by clicking here.

Succulent Wedding Bouquet

How to make a Succulent Bridal Bouquet
8 Aeonium Kiwi
5 Echeveria Imbricate
5 Aeonium CanarienseFlowers:
12 Craspedia Billy Balls
5 Pink Dahlias
5 Pink Coxcomb
12 White AstilbeFiller:Bupleurum How to make a Succulent Bridesmaid Bouquet Succulents:
3 Aeonium Canariense
3 Echeveria Imbricate
3 Echeveria Peacockii Flowers:
3 Yellow Dahlias
6 Craspedia Billy BallsFiller:Bupleurum

Succulent Wedding Bouquet